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Cross Creek Cowboy Church

Mission Statement


We are to share the grace, love and hope given by God through Jesus Christ by targeting those in the western culture and, at the same time, strive to live Christlike and impact the kingdom.

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At Cross Creek Cowboy Church, although many who attend are cowboys, we welcome folks from all walks of life. We are truly a come-as-you-are church, even if that means coming straight from the barn.

Where & When

We meet on Sundays at 21160 Plank Road in Zachary, LA. This is just about 1/2 mile past the 5D Western Store.

Breakfast at 9:30

Service at 10:30

Round Pens

Round Pen Small Groups - a great way to grow and learn.


Buckaroos, Youth, Men's and Ladies' Round Pens are held every Wednesday at the church building at 6:30 p.m.


Our teams work together to make things happen in the church.


We have Chuckwagon, Arena, Facilities, Marketing and Music teams to name a few.

Upcoming Events

Mark Your Calendars!!



Friday, June 14th

Dummy Roping - books open at 6:30

June 26 - 29 

Faith camp - Lawrence MS

Friday, July 12th

Dummy Roping - books open at 6:30

Sunday, June 30th

Fifth Sunday - following service

Sunday September 29th

Fifth Sunday - following service

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